Hello, welcome back to our blog. In the previous article, we shared Autumn Tree Cross Stitch which you can read here. In this article, we will share tutorial step by step how to make an autumn leaf patterns for cross stitch using canva.

This is our fifth article about fall. Previously we have shared about pumpkins and trees, this time we will share about how to make autumn leaf cross stitch pattern with canva. You can read how we made pumpkins here or trees here.

Creating an autumn leaf cross stitch embroidery pattern with canva is not difficult. You don’t need to draw the pattern first. You can choose the elements in canva. Although we made it with CANVA instead of a cross stitch embroidery pattern maker, the results are no less beautiful. Let’s start the tutorial right away.



If you don’t have the Canva application, please download it first on Google Play or the App Store.


Once you have the Canva app, the next step is to create a new page. We use PIN size pages for Pinterest. You don’t have to use the same size options as us. Please adjust it to your needs.


Add net elements.


Reduce the net size and move it to the top left corner. If the net size is smaller, the amount of embroidery will be greater. You can determine how small the box size is according to your wishes.

Then copy the net and arrange it to cover the page.

The finished page is covered with a net.


The next step is to choose the elements that you will make into cross stitch patterns. In this article we choose autumn leaf.

autumn leaf patterns for cross stitch


After selecting the element, the next step is to resize and move the position of the autumn leaf. We increase the size of the autumn leaf and move it further up.


Position the autumn leaf behind the net.

autumn leaf patterns for cross stitch


Add cross elements

autumn leaf patterns for cross stitch

Then reduce the size of the cross to fit the box. Move the cross to the very bottom of the leaf.


The next step is to color the cross. Color the cross according to the color of the autumn leaf image.

autumn leaf patterns for cross stitch

Every time you add a cross in a different color, don’t forget to change the color of the cross.


Copy the cross then fill the box with leaves with a cross. To put a cross on this leaf image is slightly different from the pumpkin and tree. Because the leaves we choose have a spreading shape. So that each leaf section does not fill the box like our two previous projects. So we put a cross not fixated on how many images fill the box, but more according to our taste. You can determine it according to your taste and it doesn’t have to be exactly the same as what we do because in making this pattern you are free to be creative.

autumn leaf patterns for cross stitch
autumn leaf patterns for cross stitch
autumn leaf patterns for cross stitch
autumn leaf patterns for cross stitch
autumn leaf patterns for cross stitch


Once you have finished giving the cross, the next step is to delete the autumn leaf image. The method is to choose one of the nets and then position it at the back.

Next, select one of the crosses in the box and position it at the back.

Click the cross then delete the autumn leaf image.

autumn leaf patterns for cross stitch
autumn leaf patterns for cross stitch


The final step is to download the file.

autumn leaf patterns for cross stitch

After reading the step by step above, isn’t it easy to make a cross stitch pattern with Canva?  We hope you like it. You can download the autumn leaf pattern for free here.

This autumn leaf patterns cross stitch is part of the fall edition. In this edition there are 4 leaf patterns that we made. You can download 10 free fall cross stitch patterns here.

In addition to the fall themed cross stitch patterns, you can also download our other patterns, 10 tulip cross stitch patterns edition 1 here or 10 border cross stitch patterns edition 5 here.

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Hopefully this article is useful and inspires you in your work.

Thank you for visiting

Happy stitching

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