Hello, welcome back to our blog. In the previous article we shared 2 tulip cross stitch embroidery projects which you can read here. This time we will share 10 eid mubarak cross stitch patterns to commemorate Eid al-Fitr which you can download for free on this blog.
In a month, we Muslims in the world will observe the fast of Ramadan. Then celebrate Eid al-Fitr. Even though Eid al-Fitr is still two months away, we are starting to share ideas to commemorate it so that you can start making cross stitch embroidery that you can share with relatives and friends. The 10 patterns that we will share are suitable for making Eid Mubarak cards.
As usual, we made these patterns from our own sketches, so you will only find them on this blog. The pattern you download is in jpg format. Please select the pattern you like then click the button to get the pattern for free.
1. Eid Card Pattern CPEM0001
This pattern design is in the form of an EID MUBARAK greeting with the letters E, I, D inside the lantern. This pattern consists of 3 colors.

2. Eid Card Pattern CPEM0002
This pattern design is in the form of the words “MET LEBARAN” decorated with dark green and light green lines. The greeting MET LEBARAN in Indonesian means HAPPY EID. This pattern consists of 4 colors.

3. Eid Card Pattern CPEM0003
This pattern design is in the form of the words “HAPPY EID MUBARAK” which is framed with decorative stripes in dark green and light green. This pattern consists of 4 colors.

4. Eid Card Pattern CPEM0004
This pattern design is in the form of the words “SELAMAT HARI RAYA IDUL FITRI” with yellow and orange decoration. The greeting SELAMAT HARI RAYA IDUL FITRI in Indonesian means HAPPY EID AL-FITR .This pattern consists of 3 colors.

5. Eid Card Pattern CPEM0005
This pattern design is in the form of the words “MINAL AIDZIN WAL FAIDZIN” decorated with wavy lines. This pattern consists of 4 colors.

6. Eid Card Pattern CPEM0006
This pattern design is in the form of the words “HAPPY EID MUBARAK” decorated with curved and straight lines. This pattern consists of 3 colors.

7. Eid Card Pattern CPEM0007
This pattern design is in the form of the words “SELAMAT HARI RAYA IDUL FITRI” decorated with curved and straight lines. The greeting SELAMAT HARI RAYA IDUL FITRI in Indonesian means HAPPY EID AL-FITR. This pattern consists of 4 colors.

8. Eid Card Pattern CPEM0008
This pattern design is in the form of the words “HAPPY EID MUBARAK” decorated with curved and straight lines. This pattern consists of 2 colors.

9. Eid Card Pattern CPEM0009
This pattern design is in the form of the words “SELAMAT HARI RAYA IDUL FITRI” with lantern decoration. The greeting SELAMAT HARI RAYA IDUL FITRI in Indonesian means HAPPY EID AL-FITR. This pattern consists of 2 colors.

10. Eid Card Pattern CPEM0010
This pattern design is in the form of the words “MAAFIN AKU YA” decorated with colorful lines. The greeting MAAFIN AKU YA in Indonesian means I’m sorry. The reason we chose MAAFIN AKU YA is because the Eid al-Fitr celebration in Indonesia is a moment to forgive each other. We visit the homes of relatives and friends to forgive each other. This pattern consists of 4 colors.

We hope you like the 10 Eid Mubarak Card Cross Stitch Patterns that we shared above. For the next edition of the article we will share two of our Eid card projects. So you can see how we package Eid cards using our cross stitch embroidery.
Apart from Eid Mubarak Card Cross Stitch Patterns, you can also download our other patterns for free. For the 10 tulip cross stitch patterns edition 1, you can download them here. Meanwhile, for the 10 border cross stitch patterns in edition 3, you can download them here.
Look forward to other editions of cross stitch patterns in our next article. If you don’t want to miss the latest updates on the articles we post, please subscribe to get email notifications.
Hopefully this article is useful and inspires you in your work.
Thank you for visiting
Happy stitching