Hello, welcome back to our blog. In the previous article, we shared 8 New Year Cross Stitch Ideas edition 5 which you can read here. For this article we will share two orchid cross stitch projects.

This is our third article on orchid cross stitch projects. You can read the first project here and the second project here.

We made this cross stitch embroidery project ourselves starting from sketches, patterns to embroidery. This orchid series is one of our favorites even though the process of drawing, making patterns and embroidering them takes a long time.

You can get the pattern for free on this blog. Let’s go to the first orchid cross stitch project.


This pattern design is a pink orchid flower tied with a yellow ribbon. This pattern consists of 11 colors. You can see the sketch below.


You can download the pattern for free here. The pattern code is CPOR0007. The pattern you download is in jpg format.

After you download the pattern, the next step you have to do is prepare the tools and materials. Please read here for the cross stitch kit article.

Below are some photos of our first orchid cross stitch  project.

Finished cross stitch

The front of finished cross stitch

The back of finished  cross stitch

Close up of finished cross stitch

We hope you like this pink orchid cross stitch. The second project is yellow orchids cross stitch. Let’s move on to the second cross stitch project.


The second project we will share is a yellow orchid cross stitch. You can see the sketch below.


This pattern design is a yellow orchid flower in a brown hanging pot. This pattern consists of 11 colors. If you like our second project, please download it here to get the pattern for free. The pattern you download is in jpg format. This pattern code is CPOR0009.

Once the tools and materials are ready, the next step is embroidery. For those of you who are still beginners, you can read the article on how to embroider for beginners here. Meanwhile, for those of you who are already skilled, happy embroidery.

In my opinion, when making cross stitch you can improvise according to your creativity. Starting from color selection to the media you use for embroidery.

Below are some photos of the second project’s finished cross stitch.

Finished cross stitch

The front of finished cross stitch

The back of finished  cross stitch

Close up of finished cross stitch

What do you think of the two cross stitch orchid embroidery above?

We hope you like it.

Besides orchid cross stitch projects, you can also read lily cross stitch projects here. We don’t only share articles about our cross stitch embroidery. But we also share our cross stitch patterns which you can download for free on this blog.

If you like tulip, please download here for 10 tulip cross stitch patterns, edition 1 or download here for 10 fruit cross stitch patterns edition 2.

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Hopefully this article is useful and inspires you in your work.

Thank you for visiting

Happy stitching

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